Infertility is a term used to describe a situation when a couple tries to get pregnant for more than a year via unprotected sex but fails to achieve success in it. And according to research most of the time it occurs due to infertility in women. And we simply understand how hard it can be to diagnose female infertility. Hence, we are here with this article to give you a thorough understanding of what is female infertility, fertility tests for women and what are available Female Infertility Treatments 

Female Infertility Is: 

Female infertility is a complex circumstance which leads to a position when a female fails to conceive naturally, or simply a situation when she simply fails to complete the reproduction process.

Common symptoms of female infertility are:

Some of the most common symptoms of female infertility are:

  • Endometriosis

  • Damaged/blocked fallopian tubes 

  • Ovulation disorder 

  • Age

  • Hormonal Issues

  • Genetic disorders

  • Age 

  • Poor lifestyle 

  • Trouble in reproductive organs 

Available female infertility tests are:

Your doctor will enquire you about 

Your medical histories if any including chronic illness or surgeries 

  • Your use of prescribed medication 

  • Your usage of caffeine, smoke, alcohol and drugs if any 

  • Your exposure to chemicals, toxins or radiation

  • Your sexual history

  • Whether you have been pregnant before or not 

  • Frequency of your menstrual cycle 

  • Changes in birth control methods you have used 

Transvaginal ultrasound exam- Your doctor will recommend monitoring the complex condition of the uterus ad ovaries so that it can be determined if the follicles in the ovaries are working or not. It is usually performed before the 15 days of the menstrual cycle.

Hysterosalpingogram- Another female infertility test is a test an HSG Test in which a liquid dye will be injected into your uterus through your cervix to examine if the fallopian tubes are blocked or not.

Hysteroscopy-  Hysteroscopy is a test in which a thin telescope-like instrument will be inserted through the cervix into the uterus to allow the doctor to examine the trouble in the area.

Laparoscopy-  Laparoscopy is a test in which a laparoscope will be inserted into the abdomen through a small incision to find out the illness of endometriosis, scarring, and other conditions.

Hysteroscopy-  Hysteroscopy is a procedure, in which a thin telescope-like instrument will be inserted through the cervix into the uterus to allow the doctor to find out the trouble.

Possible Female infertility treatments are:


Some of the most common fertility medicines include but are not limited to in the initial stages of infertility are-

Gonadotrophins- Aids in stimulating ovulation in women while reducing the high risk of infertility in men

Gonadotrophin- To release hormone and usage of the medicine to encourage ovulation in women.

Clomifene- It encourages ovulation so that women can produce more mature eggs.

Metformin- It is generally given to those women who suffer from PCOD.

Surgical procedures-

With the presence of these  surgical procedures, anybody can reduce the risk of infertility

Fallopian tube surgery- Fallopian tube surgery will be used to remove the scar tissue making a clear pathway so that an egg and sperm can meet and complete the reproduction process.

Surgery for endometriosis, fibroids and PCOS-

Laparoscopic surgery will be performed to treat the illnesses of endometriosis, fibroids, and PCOS by removing cysts and fluid sacs.

Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART)- 

Intra-uterine Insemination (IUI)- Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), also known as artificial insemination in which sperm gets injected into the mother’s womb through a thin plastic tube passing through the cervix.

In-vitro fertilization (IVF)- In-vitro fertilization process (IVF) is a process in which fertilization occurs outside the human body when eggs and sperms get retrieved from the human body to get fertilized in a petri dish inside a laboratory to get later implant inside the woman's uterus.

Donation of sperms and eggs- If you and your partner cannot use your eggs and sperm in any condition to complete the reproduction process then your doctor will recommend using donated eggs and sperms to get you pregnant successfully.

Why do you need to connect with a doctor?

Female infertility is a long-term hazardous illness that makes couples deprived of living their only dream of enjoying their parenthood journey. However, you do not need to lose all your hopes as with the help of an IVF specialist at Crysta IVF, you can easily conceive and plan for a healthy baby while getting your female infertility in Delhi.


Source URL Click Here:- Female Infertility In Delhi



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