Is ICSI Treatment Right For You?

For couples experiencing the challenges of infertility need not have trouble. As with the help of modern science and interaction of ART (assistive reproductive technology), anyone can plan for a healthy baby effortlessly with the help o ICSI assistance in IVF treatment.

Thus, in this article, we will discuss the ICSI Treatment and how it can turn out to be the right treatment for you while leading to the reduction of infertility complications in reproductive-age couples.

Infertility in men and women:

Infertility is a prolonged illness and a complex condition in which a man and a woman fail to conceive naturally or become unable to complete the reproduction process effortlessly. 

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI):

The ICSI fertility method is assisted with in-vitro fertilization treatment. Similar to IVF, sperm and eggs are extracted from men's and women’s bodies to combine in a petri dish to complete the fertilization process effectively. However, in ICSI treatment, one of the best quality sperm will be selected and washed thoroughly to inject into the Centre of an egg with the help of a needle manually.

How is ICSI different from In-vitro fertilization (IVF):

In-vitro fertilization is a treatment in which sperm enters the Centre of an egg via its shell inside a petri dish to form an embryo, whereas ICSI involves injecting sperm into the Centre of an egg using a needle. 

Reasons to need ICSI fertility treatment:

The foremost question that arises among many couples is what reasons will be needed to perform  ICSI fertility treatment alongside the IVF process-

ICSI is typically performed in response to male infertility issues, such as-

  • The shape of the sperm is not significant

  • Previously performed IVF process failed 

  • Blockage in the men’s reproductive system 

  • Poor motility of sperm 

  • Sperm count is not sufficient to perform IVF treatment alone 

  • While using frozen eggs 

  • Sperm is not able to get attached to an egg on its own 

ICSI procedure step by step : 

An IVF process usually starts with the consumption of fertility medications to stimulate the production of matured eggs as the ICSI procedure will be performed when the eggs are ready to be retrieved.

1. Extraction process- Matured eggs from women’s ovaries and sperm from men’s semen will be retrieved to continue the ICSI Procedure.

2. Sperm injection- Extracted semen sample will be washed and cleaned to inject it into the Centre of an egg with the help of a needle. The direct injection of sperm bypasses the need to swim through cervical fluid 

3. Monitoring of the embryo The fertilized eggs are kept for monitoring for at least 5 days, as at that time, an embryo develops into a blastocyst with multiple cells.

4. Embryo Implantation- When embryos reach the stage of implant, they get transferred into the woman's uterus so that a successful pregnancy can occur.

The success rate of ICSI-

As suggested by various fertility specialists, the success rate of ICSI varies according to the woman’s age. As a result of this procedure, the fertilization of an egg is increased by 50 to 80%, while the chances of the woman becoming pregnant are reduced to 25%.

ICSI treatment cost in India?

The cost of ICSI treatment is approximately INR 1,20,000 in India. This cost covers the cost of the ICSI procedure,  Including other tests and scans suggested during the treatment. Hence, we can say that ICSI treatment is right for you in every manner.

Why do you need an  ICSI treatment right now?

Suppose you are facing several infertility complications and are wondering why you are the only one who can’t conceive naturally. In that case, you are not the only one to get affected by the repercussions of infertility, as numerous couples all around the world are infertile and have been failing to conceive naturally, even after trying for more than a year. As a result, it is recommended by an IVF Specialist, especially if you have had two to three miscarriages in your life, to undergo IVF treatment with the assistance of ICSI to relive your dreams of becoming a parent once more. 

Source URL Click Here:- Best IVF Centre in Gurgaon


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