The success of IVF Treatment For Women Above 40.

In pregnancy, the egg quality is the most critical factor in determining the quality of the embryo and healthy pregnancy. While as the woman starts to age, the egg's number and quality substantially decline, which may often cause difficulty in conceiving.

But with assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), the issue can be overcome as it involves the manipulation of egg & sperm. However, the recent studies and data have a say about the success rate of IVF for women above 40. So, let's understand IVF and its success if you're over 40 and seeking treatment.

What is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?

IVF treatment is considered one of the most effective solutions to treat infertility. The procedure includes the stimulation of the Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) or Luteinizing Hormone (LH), which in turn triggers the ovaries to produce more eggs. The eggs are then retrieved when they are ready to be fertilized.

Fertilization is done by exposing the eggs to sperm in a culture or petri dish. The fusion of egg & sperm forms an embryo which is/is placed back into the uterus.

Success Rate of IVF

The success rate of IVF is quite good as compared to other ARTs like Intrauterine insemination (IUI). However, there are so many factors involved that contribute to this success rate of IVF, such as -

  • Lifestyle choices

  • Medical conditions

  • Quality of egg & sperm

  • Age of the female partner

  • Quality of embryo

  • History of previous pregnancy

While all these factors can affect IVF chances, a female partner’s age is the most crucial factor.

Is there any age limit for IVF?

There are no such age barriers while undergoing IVF treatment. The woman should be young enough to be able to carry a pregnancy in her uterus.

But it is generally seen that the IVF success rate declines after 40 in women. Many fertility clinics and doctors don’t recommend attempting IVF above this age as there may be certain risks for both mother and the baby, such as high chances of miscarriages and down syndrome in babies.

How Does Age Affect Fertility?

A woman's age and the quality of the egg & embryo play a crucial role in a successful IVF treatment. There is a reason why women in their 20s and 30s experience the most successful pregnancy and IVF implantation.

The reason can be the peak of the fertility window during this period. The egg quality is also good, thus forming a healthy embryo, resulting in a successful IVF treatment and conceiving. But the passing year can make it more challenging to get pregnant, and especially after the 40s, the fertility window shrinks dramatically.

As per recent research, for women younger than the age of 35 years, the success rate is around 40% which may decline to 31% after each passing year and can get as low as 11% or 4% per cycle among women aged 45-50 or above.

Donor Programme in IVF

During your IVF treatment, if your healthcare provider finds that the quality or quantity of eggs and sperm of the intended parent isn't good enough for fertilization, they may recommend using either donor sperm, donor egg, or both depending on the medical condition.

The procedure involves finding a donor (who'll be young and have a better quality of eggs & sperm), removing gametes from them, fertilizing them in a laboratory, and transferring the resulting embryos into the recipient’s uterus. In other cases, if you have a frozen embryo in the past, you can also use them now without needing a donor.

IVF success rate with donor eggs tends to have a better result because egg donors are younger people and at their fertility peak, with correspondingly better-quality eggs. Donor eggs are also recommended if there is early menopause, a medical condition that affects egg reserves, a risk of a genetic disorder, etc.

Consult a Fertility Specialist

Suppose you're having trouble conceiving and seeking Infertility Treatments like IVF above 40. In that case, we recommend contacting a fertility specialist at Crysta IVF to know more about the success rate of IVF and other female fertility treatments in Delhi. They'll guide and help you find the best option to make your parenthood possible.

Source URL Click Here:- Female Infertility Treatment


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