How to Diagnose Female Infertility

 Infertility in women is a complicated scenario that remains a social taboo that no one wants to discuss. And due to a lack of awareness and knowledge, many women have no idea how to tackle this long-term illness, which not only affects them physically but mentally too. Hence, in this article, we will briefly discuss Female Infertility Treatment and the methods to diagnose it.

Female Infertility is :

Infertility in women is a prolonged disorder which leads to a situation when she fails to conceive with her male partner or an elaborated condition in which she becomes unable to complete the reproduction process.

Causes of Infertility in female:  

Common causes of infertility in women are- 

Endometriosis- It is a well-known illness that leads to female infertility treatment. As in this, a tissue similar to the tissue that usually grows inside the lining of the uterus grows outside of it.

Age- Age is a significant factor that leads to infertility in women as when they get old, they start losing their production of eggs drastically.

Damaged/ blocked fallopian tubes-   Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes work as a pathway for a fertilized egg to get implanted into the lining of the uterus.

Ovulation disorder- An ovarian disorder is a condition in which women fail to produce enough eggs to complete the reproduction process.

Poor lifestyle- Poor lifestyle factors such as excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking and drugs affect ovulation and menstrual cycle and lead to female infertility.

Diagnostic options for female infertility treatment 

Ovulation testing- Ovulation testing is done to detect the luteinizing hormone (LH). Also, a  blood test for progesterone to check the presence of enough hormone to know whether ovulation is occurring or not.

Hysterosalpingography- In this, an X-ray contrast will be injected into your uterus to capture the images and examine the trouble occurring inside the uterus. It also checks the working of the fallopian tubes by monitoring if the inserted fluid passes through your fallopian tubes.

Laparoscopy- In this method, a small incision will be made beneath your navel to insert a thin device to examine the reproductive organs 

Genetic testing-  Genetic testing helps in finding if the trouble of infertility is arising due to genetic factors.

Ovarian reserve testing- This test helps to determine the quality and quantity of eggs for ovulation, especially for women aged more than 35.

Other hormone tests- Another hormone test will be done to check the levels of ovulatory along with thyroid and pituitary hormones to examine the trouble in the reproductive organs.

Available female infertility treatments are- 



Some of the most common fertility medicines include but are not limited to in the initial stages of infertility are-

  • Gonadotrophins

  • Gonadotrophin

  • Clomifene

  • Metformin

Surgical procedures-

With the presence of these surgical procedures, anybody can reduce the risk of infertility.

  • Fallopian tube surgery

  • Surgery for endometriosis, fibroids and PCOS

Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART)- 

  • Intra-uterine Insemination (IUI)

  • In-vitro fertilization (IVF)

  • Donation of sperms and eggs

Want to know more?

Gone are those days when female infertility used to be a never-ending illness, and no one ever wanted to talk about it. These days, with the help of modern technologies and good proficiency, anyone can successfully plan for a healthy baby without getting anxious and depressed. For more information about Female Infertility In Delhi, you can always pay a visit to Crysta IVF to solve all your doubts regarding female infertility.


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