World Heart Day: Your Heart Is Your Health Too!

Heart! That beats every time to let you remain alive. The heart! is the only organ that exists in your life. It is a shame that some people do not take care of it. It's hideous to acknowledge that the population living in 2022, burdened with stress and a frivolous environment, hardly pays attention to their hearts and health.

Therefore, to give all the people righteous knowledge and make them aware of their hearts, we are back again with this article on this world heart day for the betterment of every single life out there.

Importance of world heart day?

World Heart Day is celebrated on the 29th of September every year. It was first started by the World Heart Foundation to raise awareness of the cardiovascular disease (CVD) all over the world. The motive was simple: to make everyone aware of their overall health to live a healthy life. More than 18.6 million people around the world die from heart disease annually.

Hence, to mark this day as the most significant day of everybody’s life, a health awareness campaign has been launched to make everyone healthy enough to participate successfully in running, walking, concerts, and free health check-ups.

In previous years, the theme was digital health due to the rise of technology in our lives, to promote awareness and understanding of how to tackle hazardous heart diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD).

India’s stake in Cardio Vascular Disease 

As stated by the Indian Heart Association, India alone is responsible for nearly 60% of the global heart disease burden. To make matters worse, cardiovascular disease was responsible for 28.1% of all deaths in 2016. Hence, it is evident that CVD affects Indian people more than anyone else and kills every 4th person drastically. Due to the highest rate of CVD in India, it is known as the most popular disease working with a motive to destroy the breathing of every person affected by heart disease. These rates are high due to a lack of awareness among people about their heart health and the constant need to live a poor lifestyle. Henceforth, we can say that CVD is a full-fledged silent killer, snatching people’s lives too often and making their families retarded for the rest of their lives.

Signs and Symptoms of Cardio Vascular Disease 

Heart disease leads to an extreme range of circumstances, including but not limited to

  • Chest stiffness, chest pain, chest pressure, and angina (chest discomfort)

  • Inconsistent heartbeat (arrhythmias)

  • Weakness, immobility, pain, and frigidity in the legs or arms are symptoms when the blood vessels in those areas narrow.

  • Shortness of breath

  • Extreme pain in the neck, jaw, throat, upper belly area, or back

Is there any connection between CVD and Infertility?

According to research, increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) is also associated with female infertility under the toxic particulars of polycystic ovarian disease, obesity, thyroid dysfunction, and endometriosis. As a result, these risky causes of female infertility have also become the root cause of the most heinous heart disease afflicting India's population. 

Do healthy habits help in combating CVD and infertility?

To remain healthy and fight illnesses like CVD and infertility, you must adopt some healthy habits. It is also a saying that only healthy lifestyle habits lead to a healthy heart, as the heart consumes everything that you do in day-to-day activities. Hence, if you are a female suffering from infertility and want to plan for a baby while combating cardiovascular disease, you must make significant changes in your lifestyle.

Quit smoking, alcohol, caffeine, and drugs. Tobacco is injurious to heart disease. Many have read the disclaimer on its packet, but no one has taken it seriously. That’s why the percentage of people affected by heart disease has been increasing year by year. While alcohol, caffeine, and drugs make you drowsier and lead to infertility, affecting your overall health, tobacco in cigarettes, pipes, bidis, and hookahs releases carbon monoxide and nicotine, making your heart beat faster by putting a strain on your heart. And if that is not enough, tobacco also increases the risk of blood clots.

Maintain a healthy balanced diet- A healthy diet must include fresh fruits, vegetables, nutrition, vitamins, minerals, fibers, etc. while having no intake of high amounts of sugar, salt, saturated fats, and refined carbs to keep your cholesterol levels within the limit.

Fight with your stress- Stress is the booster of every heart disease. It increases the blood pressure level, directly affecting your health. It is also the first stage of depression. Hence, if you are a father planning for a baby and suffering from CVD or stress, you should reduce your stress as much as possible by adopting these activities:

  • Listen to music

  • Read books 

  • Play your favorite instruments 

  • Eat dark chocolates 

  • Converse with your family and friends 

Do more physical activities—Including more physical activities such as walking, running, yoga, and meditation helps calm your mind and avoid these early signs of infertility and CVD.

If you want to live a good and healthy life, you can simply change your lifestyle for your and your family's health. However, if you are thinking of planning a baby while surrounded by complex diseases in your life, then you can effectively consult an IVF specialist at Crysta IVF. Here, the doctors will adopt the in-vitro fertilization(a form of ART in which the fertilization occurs outside the human body) method to complete the reproduction cycle progressively.

Source URL Click Here:- Best IVF Centre in Guwahati


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